jet streams

美 [dʒet striːmz]英 [dʒet striːmz]
  • n.(地球高空的)急流;(飞机发动机的)喷气流
  • jet stream的复数
jet streamsjet streams

jet streams


  • 1
    N-COUNT (地球高空对天气变化有重大影响的)急流
    The jet stream is a very strong wind that blows high in the earth's atmosphere and has an important influence on the weather.

  1. Lower-Level Jet Streams of Large - and Meso-Scale Heavy Rain


  2. Statistic Character and Dynamic Analysis of Upper Level Jet Streams on Sandstorm Days Study and application of numerical calculation method for gas flow distribution of electrostatic precipitation


  3. The development of gas jet streams as well as velocity and temperature fields was illustrated .


  4. Energy Budget Analysis of Jet Streams in the Middle-Lower Troposphere


  5. At high altitude you have jet streams , and the wind velocity is not the same at all altitudes .


  6. The supergeostrophic behavior of low level jet streams is caused by the nonequilibrium relating to the jet strengthening or weakening instead of the quasi-equilibrium of the saturated moist air .


  7. Owe to the coupling of upper and lower tropospheric jet streams , sinking motion to the left side of upper jet streams score and ascent between the right side of upper jet streams score and the left side of the lower jet stream score produce the secondary circulation .


  8. The radial velocities of wide spaced two jet and four jet impinging streams have been measured by Dual PDA with different nozzle diameters and primary velocities .
